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Saturday 3 December 2011

Creating Clouds.

1. Create A Wash of Colour that you want to use for the sky. For example if you want to get the effect of a summers day I would probably use Ultramarine Blue.
2. Then with a tissue, scrunch it up and dab out some of the sky colour to create cloud shapes. DON'T be tempted to draw outlines for the clouds as this could make them look slightly fake and cartoon like.
3. Once you have done that add a touch of black or grey. To create this colour mix burnt umber and ultramarine blue. Don't use the ready mixed blacks as they can knock areas DEAD! Add this colour to the bottom of the clouds, this will give the impression that the clouds are rounded, and that there is an "underneath".

I will upload images soon to go with this step by step.

Click here to go to visit my other techniques and step by steps.

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