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Thursday 26 April 2012


I have just realised that the lack of posting is due to all of my posts going into the "draft" folder rather than the actual blog, the fault is now corrected, I apologise for any inconvenience caused!

Monday 16 April 2012

Artistic Licence

Here is the page that I have done for my arts award. For a more detailed description on Artistic Licence see my previous post on Artistic Licence.

Sunday 1 April 2012

Beach Landscape

This is a watercolour landscape that I created from my head, for this reason I can't tell you were it is as I haven't got a clue! This scene was simple to create. A series of circles and rectangles helped me create the bucket, spade and sandcastle. The sky is made up with a graduated wash of Ultramarine Blue as I think a blue sky helps create more of a summer look.

And Happy April Fools Day!