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Thursday 1 December 2011

Front Cover of My Arts Award

This is my front cover of my arts award. To create the cover, it involved many different parts to it. First, I used a pink pastel in  various places across the front page then I fixed the pastel using hairspray. This gave the black a varied shade to the cover. Then I created my own art wordle. I did this on The wordle involves as many words as I could have thought of related to art. Then on a white piece of card I used a red pastel to create the pink and red shades on the lettering. I then fixed this to the card through the same method.Next, using acrylic paints I added purple areas to the darkest peice of paper. I then wrote the title, "My Arts Award" and cut the words out individually. I also, once the ink had dried went over the titles in a white pen so through the middle of each letter was a white line. I found that this helped the title stand out. I then glued each peice onto the cover. As I did this I mounted the wordle on orange card as it made it stand out more. It also managed to capture the overall colour scheme of the wordle. Once everything was glued on I used metallic pens to doodle around the edge, the doodling  had to try and mimic the motion of leaves.  

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