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Sunday 9 June 2013

Michele Webber - Sudbury (UK)

First of all I would like to apologise for the lack of posting.. it's what comes with being in year 10 with controlled assessments coursework and everything else! But anyway yesterday me and Dad went along to an art lesson, free courtesy of the Daily Telegraph with Michele Webber ( Apparently her website is undergoing a major upgrade and should be finished fairly soon! So anyway, we went along yesterday to the first of one of her two week specials on landscapes and seascapes. The lesson was extremely informative and a great opportunity to meet new people whilst developing your painting skills! So if you live in Suffolk then I would totally recommend you to contact Michele. Below is an example of one of Michele's paintings..

I will upload the finished painting here once I have completed it! So I hope that you will come back to watch this space!

 (CREDIT:Michele Webber)

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