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Saturday 22 October 2011

Aumtumn River

This is my most recent picture of an Autumn River. The sky was done with ultramarine blue. While this was still wet I did the distant trees with a mixture of light red and other autumnal colours for the leaves. As the leaves were done on a wet on wet surface the colours blended. After the wet on wet background had dried I did the trunks using a number 6 round brush with raw umber. After that I completed the rest of the picture normally. When I got to the grass I made up a mix of green using hookers green, cadmium yellow. On top of that I added a mix of green with hookers green and raw umber in places that needed shadow. To create the blades of grass I used my fingernailand scraped at the painting.


  1. You are really good at watercolor, I'm just so terrible at it, LOL :)

    This is amazing, loving the autumnal trees <3

    Devon, AKA Sparkly Dev x

  2. this is brilliant work i love the way that you have captured the boatx

  3. loving the trees claire, how can you paint so well! im so rubbish, LOL!!!!!
    the blending of the colous is very good
    Loving it!!!
    ;D xx AJ
